Wednesday, October 23, 2013

An Alternative Charlotte Mason Schedule

For those homeschool moms who want to have a Charlotte Mason-style education but just don't have the daily time to make all the components happen, here's an alternative.

We are moving soon, and that means I'm needed in the packing-and-cleaning department right now.  To free up some of my hours during the school week (because let's face it…CM-style education does take time to implement), we have temporarily shifted our "delightful extras" to one day of the week.  Wonderful Wednesday was born, and it's all good.

In a nutshell, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are filled with the typical subjects (i.e. math, grammar, history, science, etc).  I arrange my days so that I do their read-alouds early in the morning, followed by some subjects that I do with the younger 2 children.  When independent work begins, it frees me up to be able to get some other things done.

Then, on Wednesday, we spend the morning going through all of these wonderfully rich components of our education:

This schedule made for a nice change right in the middle of the week.  Everyone enjoyed it.  And Wednesday will simply be one day when Mama doesn't get to pack any moving boxes.  And that's a nice break for me too (I'd rather listen to Bach than pack anyway!).  

After their nature study outdoors, they headed in to record some things in their nature journals.  All 4 children chose fall leaves for their focus today…

And lookie who drew a leaf today!  It amazes me how all of a sudden a child's little lightbulb moments come along.  She has never really drawn something recognizable in her nature journal…until today.  Something clicked, and voila…she drew her leaf!  The room exploded in cheering siblings, and she was very happy with her progress.

And just to keep it real…for those of you who still somehow think I have it all together all the time (HA!)…

Yep, baby doll came to do lessons with the princess…distracting perhaps?

And things were scattered all over the floor after nature study.

And sweet sock-wearing little boys had a mounting pile of scraps all around the desk.

But, the messes clean up, and another day is filled with the rich goodness of children thriving in an education we all enjoy.

And while I made lunch today, I spied a certain quiet young man who had retreated under the dining table to read a book alone with kitty.  These are the moments I am storing up in my heart and memory.