Being increasingly aware that Jesus lived among the poor and asked us to follow Him, I googled a question about living among the poor. It was one of those times when Google acts like it has never heard the question if in this big wide world, nobody had ever googled it before. But it did bring up something that knocked me in the gut, taking my breath away for several seconds and then leaving me completely altered.
Among the top search results was a site called "God is Imaginary." It is a site dedicated to proving that God is imaginary. If you visit the site, you may have a range of emotions, but please hear this first. It is not my desire to point to what is wrong about this site. In fact, my desire is exactly opposite of that. Hang with me here... If we put down our defenses for just a minute, we may see something of ourselves that we seriously need to see. A mirror.
So, back to my Google search. Remember that I had googled a question about living among the poor, and oddly enough, this "God is Imaginary " site came up. I was intrigued. The link brought me to his #19 proof that God is imaginary. #19 states: "Notice that you ignore Jesus." He goes on to state Scripture straight out of the mouth of Jesus...Scriptures about how if we want to be His disciples, then we will sell all we have, give it to the poor and follow Him. We all know these Scriptures. You've probably even memorized them. But take a moment to hear what the outside world is saying about us as Christians... Here's what he says:
Why don't you sell everything and follow Jesus, as he requests in the Bible? The reason is simple: Jesus and God are imaginary, and you know it. If Jesus were real, you would do what he says.
For just one moment, forget fighting this guy. If you read some of his other "proofs" that God is imaginary, you could quickly find that it's not worth getting upset over. Remember that the things of God are foolishness to those who don't know Him. Do we really need to write angry emails to him to prove that we are right and he is wrong? Can you imagine Jesus doing that? Pray for him or whatever you feel Jesus would do (remember that He ate with sinners and loved prostitutes). But, for just this moment in time, let this mirror stand before you...not being defensive but instead asking God to probe you on this one. Realize that one of this man's proofs for God being imaginary is because of and me. We---the ones who are supposed to be following Jesus and bringing GLORY to our Father---are the very ones who are turning people away from God by our actions. Instead of people glorifying God when they see Him in us, they are coming to the conclusion that God must be imaginary because we live like He is not real. After I read this, I found myself bawling right there in front of the screen. This is HUGE. Do you see it?
We know God is most certainly NOT imaginary. We can read through this man's "proofs" and easily see that in many of his points, he sees through eyes that are not open to the things of God. But there are a few points that most certainly stand as valid of which is his statement that should put a mirror to our souls:
If Jesus were real, you would do what he says.
Really. Is he not correct in this? This "lost" man who needs Jesus but simply doesn't know it...does he not hold the truth on this point? If Jesus were real, wouldn't we DO what He says? And if we did start doing what Jesus said, wouldn't the world start to take notice? Would the proofs they stack up against Jesus get smaller if they could actually see His followers put down their picket signs and truly begin following Him? Think on it. Wrestle with this. Let the mirror reflect your soul. The outside world is watching, and they see contradictions in Christians (in you, in me)...contradictions that are pushing them away from God.
Last night we watched a Netflix movie called Lord Save us From Your Followers. A man went around the country asking everyone what they thought of Christians. People honestly don't like the dual lives that we live as Christians...the hypocrisy, the hateful rallies, the endless debating to prove we are right, the huge churches that entertain. These things are KEEPING PEOPLE AWAY FROM JESUS. At the very end of the movie, they show a ministry in Oregon where Christians set up shop every Friday night in an area to serve the homeless. They don't condemn or judge the drunk people or those who are gay or those with AIDS. They simply come to serve. They give haircuts, clothes, food, hugs, prayer...and they wash the feet of the homeless. Sounds an awful lot like Jesus. And THAT brings people to Jesus. It is love that draws them to Him.
Did He not say that the greatest commandment was to love the Lord our God with everything that we are and have...and to love our neighbor as ourselves? Did He not say that they will know us by our love?
The world is watching us, and if we want to point them to Jesus, we absolutely have to live like He did.
If Jesus were real, you would do what he says.