Saturday, March 22, 2014

Celebrating Down Syndrome

You've met our Asian princess who is blessed with an extra 21st chromosome...  And since yesterday was World Down Syndrome Day, I thought I'd celebrate by posting some recent photos from park day.  

Sometimes I am be-bopping along in my little world, blissfully unaware of cold hard facts.  One of those facts is that Down Syndrome is seen by many people as a negative thing.  This revelation may not surprise you, but it always has a way of dropping my jaw.  You may as well tell me that brownies are inedible or that the sky is polka dotted.  Saying that Down Syndrome is anything less than an amazing blessing is so opposite of the truth I know.  Sometimes I just want people to have a peek into my days with a special needs child...a reality show of sorts to set the record straight.  Hear me say this: DOWN SYNDROME ROCKS!

Here's our little friend J.  (Really...super cute, right?)   When I was going back through my tons of photos from this park day, this one picture just made my heart extra happy.  Seriously, can you look at this photo and not feel some happiness that bubbles up from the depths of your being and spreads into a smile on your face?  I dare you not to smile.  See, nearly impossible, right?

And here comes more sunshine down the slide...

Can you not see the sheer joy of feeling the wind through her hair?

J's turn to swing...

And up they go climbing the stairs to the biggest slide on the playground.  There's nothing holding these little guys back.  It's all gas and go!

Sometimes they need a buddy to take their hand.

And sometimes they need an extra push to get going.

But the pure, unfiltered joy they exude is beyond words.  I could write all day and never hit on the amount of love these children have.  I'm convinced that that extra 21st chromosome is an extra bulging package of love.  The kind of love that most of us don't know how to give.  The kind of love that forgives instantly...and gives sacrificially...and loves unconditionally.  Yes, we may help them cut their food into bite-size pieces...or help them pronounce a word correctly...or help them cope with sensory issues.  But it is they who have the greater work.  They are the real teachers, because they model for us the love that Jesus lived out daily.  They may not even possess the words to be able to express the love in their hearts, but their actions scream it from the rooftops.

If only the world could work together the way these special friends do...

 (Okay...side note...  Are they not super cute in their glasses?  These are the best glasses in the world...MIRAFLEX....practically indestructible...and they come in zillions of colors.  Here you see the princess modeling pink and the handsome prince decked out in blue.)

And I'm always amazed at the connection they have.  Look at the body language here...

J spotted our daughter's cup, and without a word from either of them, he reached across the table to give it to her.  Why?  Because that's what you do when you see a friend whose water is too far for her to reach.

And again...this amazing connection.  She reaches out to J quite often, I've noticed.

And in case you were wondering the logistics of gathering 8 energetic children together for a group photo, here you have it...

Take one...  

Take two...

 Take three...

And take four...  

Notice the burst of extra chromosomal sunshine in this if on cue...  LOVE IT!